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We hope that business negotiators find what they're searching for in our free resources. This is the next best thing to coming to one of our negotiation training courses.

Dealing With Your Emotions in Negotiations
Many negotiations, due to their nature, can create and foster strong negative emotions. Where individuals meet to primarily promote their self-interests or where the past histories of the parties involved have been coloured by acrimony, it is not surprising that often emotions are more powerful than the facts in shaping the course and outcome of the negotiations. However without emotions it would be impossible for people to reconcile important conflicts. Emotions motivate
Dispelling Negotiation Myths
by - Henry H. Calero
After Gerard L. Nierenberg authored The Art of Negotiating in 1968. Since then, many books on negotiating followed including the ones I authored or co-authored, Winning the Negotiation, Negotiate the Deal You Want, and The Human Side of Negotiating. However, the message in a lot of the other works was that negotiating was viewed as some sort of a game instead of a process. In fact, one book was entitled The Negotiating Game. Negotiating is a game Let's compare negotiation as a
A New ICON for Negotiation Advice
by - Grande Lum and Anthony Wanis-St. John
Finding Agreement in a Negotiation Two decades after the original publication of Getting to YES, by Roger Fisher and William Ury, the conflict resolution classic is still unrivaled in providing a distinct prescriptive framework for turning rivals into collaborators (Fisher and Ury). Their method of principled negotiation remains one of the most powerful influences on the study and practice of negotiation within academia, government, civil society, and the business
What are the Positive & Negative Effects of Negotiation Influencing?
by - Radu Ionescu
Negotiation can be considered as a skill that assists individuals or teams to obtain an agreement based on their interests. Ultimately, however, what we do when we negotiate is to attempt to influence others to accept our way. Sometimes we succeed; sometimes we don't. Negotiation literature is full of training tactics and strategies that describe ways of achieving this goal. Two Kinds of Influences There are two kinds of influences: positive and negative. If we want to change
Limited Authority Negotiation Tactic
by - Michael Schatzki
Negotiation tactics are perhaps one of the most significant tools we use in the negotiating process. However, tactics don't often leap out shouting, "Here I am, look at me." If they did, the other side would see right through them. They wouldn't be effective. More often than not, tactics are subtle, hard to identify, and used for many purposes. A good example is the limited authority, or authority limit, tactic. The essence of authority limit is that the negotiator lacks the authority
Power Negotiation Principles & Techniques
by - Roger Dawson
The manner in how you behave during a negotiation can have a dramatic impact on the outcome. I've been teaching negotiating to business leaders throughout North America since 1982 and I've narrowed this concept down to five fundamental power negotiation principles. These principles are always at play in your business negotiation process, and will help you smoothly achieve your goals. Get the Other Side to Commit First Power Negotiators realize that you're usually better
Price Negotiation Techniques
by - Roger Dawson
Why Should You Ask For More? One of the most important sales training techniques to remember about the concept of power negotiating is that you should always ask the other side for more than you expect to get. Rothschild pawn Henry Kissinger had this to say about getting more at the negotiation table: "Effectiveness at the conference table depends upon overstating one's demands." The Most Important Questions Here are several reasons to think about when you ask yourself why you
Aspirations, Anchoring, and Negotiation Result
by - Charles B. Craver
When people prepare for negotiations, they spend considerable time thinking about the factual issues, the legal doctrines, the economic matters, and anything else they consider relevant. They frequently spend no more than ten to fifteen minutes pondering about their negotiation strategy. In fact, most negotiators begin an interaction with only three things in mind that directly relate to their encounter: where they plan to begin where they hope to end up their bottom lines
Sales Negotiation Process Tips
by - Mike Schatzki
How many times have you heard: "You've got to lower your price by 5% or we will have no choice but to go with your competition." "You will have to give an exception to your policy if you want our business." "I know that you have good quality and service, but so do your competitors. What we need to concentrate on here is your pricing." "I agree that those special services you keep bringing up would be fine, but we simply don't have the funds to purchase them. Could you include them at no extra
Collaborative Selling Training
by - Tony Alessandra
Collaborative Selling Training The world of business has altered and continues to change dramatically and rapidly on a regular basis. Markets have swelled and evolved in size from local to national to global markets. Technology no longer gives any single company a particular competitive advantage, while their clients have become much savvier. These and other changes have developed an environment in which salespeople must adopt new attitudes, learn new skills, and gain
Negotiation Bracketing: How To Use It and When To Avoid It
by - Richard G. Halpern
If you're a plaintiff's attorney, you have likely participated in a bracketing-based negotiation at some point in your career. Either side of a negotiation may use bracketing, one of the oldest and most simplistic negotiation ploys. Bracketing Technique in Negotiation The technique is quite straightforward. The side that wishes to start bracketing begins by establishing the amount of money they want to use as a target to settle the case. The bracketer then assumes a "counterpunch"
Sales Training: How to Negotiate Price
by - David Wachtel
You may already have heard this story - it's popular on sales training courses in Los Angeles and other cities. Two sisters have a single orange. Like two well-raised sisters, they decide to divide the orange in half. One sister takes the orange, peels the fruit, takes the rind and cuts it up for use to flavor a pie crust. The other sister takes the fruit, eats it, and tosses the rind into the trash. These two sisters focused on the "what" and compromised without asking the most primary
Winning through others' Negotiating Social Styles
by - Peter B. Stark and Jane Flaherty
Successful negotiators have a positive vision of their success. They fully understand their subject matter and have a firm grasp of the negotiation process. In addition, they can also read people very well. Accomplished negotiators know not only their own personal negotiation style, but also their counterpart’s preferred negotiation style - sand they use this knowledge to build a stronger relationship that will help achieve their goals. Most people undervalue the impact
Don't Fall Victim to the Competitive Negotiation Style
by - Marty Latz
Do nice negotiators have a tendency to finish last - or "lose" more often - in their negotiations? And if so, how can they protect themselves from this trend and be more effective? This is a common dilemma for many nice negotiators. When faced with an aggressive and competitive negotiator, should they try to compete back or use their naturally more cooperative style? Let me start by dispelling the myth that a cooperative style leads to losing more often in all their negotiations.
Buyer Advice for Real Estate Negotiations
by - Marty Latz
Buy and Sell Real Estate A real estate investor came up to me one day and asked me, "How can you negotiate the best possible deals as a buyer in a sellers' market?" "It's not easy," I replied. "But using certain negotiation strategies will increase your ability to achieve the best possible deal." Of course, understanding the procurement negotiation framework is a very important precept in the negotiation process. A sellers' market means there are more buyers and demand than there
negotiator styles in bargaining
Negotiator Styles in Bargaining
by - Charles Craver
I. INTRODUCTION Attorneys and business people negotiate perpetually. They negotiate within their own organizations, with prospective and current clients and customers, and with other parties. Most negotiators employ relatively "cooperative" or relatively "competitive" negotiation styles. Cooperative bargainers tend to behave more pleasantly, and they endeavor to generate mutually beneficial agreements. Competitive bargainers are often less pleasant, and
Three Reasons Why Negotiators Fail
by - Derrick Chevalier
While volumes have been written on negotiating tactics, techniques, and strategies, relatively little is written on the reasons negotiators fail to achieve their stated goals and objectives. This article examines three essential reasons why many negotiators do not achieve their objectives. The article also touches on the issue of why so many negotiators, who are capable in one area of negotiation, find themselves literally incapable of excelling in areas of negotiation
HR Leading through Persuasion & Influencing
You might wonder whether you are playing the role of Atlas with all those corporate responsibilities that have been thrust upon your weary shoulders, or maybe you feel more like a circus juggler wondering what task is going to be thrown at you next. It's no wonder, with all these initiatives Human Resources are spearheading in today's shape shifting corporate universe, that HR executives often feel overwhelmed. Despite all the added responsibilities, the Human Resource Director
Deceptive Negotiation Gambits and Counter Measures
Not everybody plays the game by the golden rules, and even though we know this self-evident but bold reality as the plain simple truth, it is human nature to be more trusting than not. The hard truth is often that we may not see the light of the other's deceit or manipulative gambits until we have lost value. You know the signs after the event: the hairs on the back of your neck prickle, or a tightening in your gut. Your body has flashed a warning sign that something is not right, and you
The art and science of negotiation
The Art and Science of Negotiation (Book Review)
by - Howard Raiffa
The Art of Agreement The Art and Science of Negotiation takes a novel and bold approach to the negotiation problem from two perspectives. The title itself reveals this dual approach, viewing the totality of a negotiation as integrating the people puzzle and intuitive approach. Art is one side of the coin. The book also examines the negotiation process through a detailed empirical approach. It uses models, mathematics, and analysis to complete the other side of the coin, the