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Questions & Answers

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Hiring a Freelance Professional Negotiation Consultant
Hiring a Freelance Professional Negotiation Consultant
We'll answer your question by sharing general advice on how to choose between the many companies offering you commercial negotiation consultancy services. You're also welcome to call or email us to share more, and take our specific advice
How to Negotiate Price with Supplier?
How to Negotiate Price with Supplier?
To get someone to give you more of what you want, you'll find that giving them more of what they want will go a long way. So what do your suppliers value? Vendors or professional sellers the world over are overwhelmingly measured and rewarded on
Sales Training Tips to Avoid Price Discounting
Sales Training Tips to Avoid Price Discounting
Professional buyers the world over are almost always measured and rewarded on cost savings - not value created. So a sellers' best route to achieving higher prices and margins include: Are you talking with buyers' internal stakeholders BEFORE
How Important Is Building Trust in Negotiating Agreements?
How Important Is Building Trust in Negotiating Agreements?
Nowadays, it is difficult to make a deal if there is no trust in negotiations. Even if a negotiator manages to make such a deal, it will be very challenging to implement it. Building trust is essential in any meaningful long-term relationship.
Outsourced Contract Negotiator
Outsourced Contract Negotiator
Outsourcing the finding and negotiating of your contracts is akin to outsourcing marketing and sales negotiation. I don't know of any company who successfully outsources these crucial areas. You may do better to seek a business partner or
Internal Team Negotiations
Internal Team Negotiations
The answer to this question really depends on the situation surrounding the negotiations. Lets explore lesser discussed of the two negotiation:s internal or intra-team. What do you need to bear in mind when preparing for internal or intra-team
Is Principled Negotiation used in Business?
Is Principled Negotiation used in Business?
Most readers may appreciate a short introduction to the phrase 'Principled Negotiation'. 'Principled Negotiation' became known to the world from Fisher and Ury's seminal book "Getting to Yes" (Check out our book review). The phrase 'Principled
Personal Power in Negotiation
Personal Power in Negotiation
Dealing with power in negotiation should be done with great care. Before using power in any negotiation, be sure to analyse all the possible consequences of using that power. Remember that after you have used your power, you usually dissipate
IMF World Bank Debt Governance and Corruption
IMF World Bank Debt Governance and Corruption
I read with a knowing smile your words: 'say... they have committed mischief'. For those who invest the time to make themselves knowledgeable by reading about the IMF's corruption and debt governance, particularly from trusted reputable
Influencing Decisions in Risk Averse Organisations
Influencing Decisions in Risk Averse Organisations
Welcome to negotiating internally within the constraints of most risk or loss averse corporate hierarchies. Telling you that you're not alone doesn't go very far to helping you make progress. So here are a few hot spot areas to focus your attention
Contract Bidding and Negotiation Process
Contract Bidding and Negotiation Process
Very often we deal with the problem at hand, never noticing that we've completely missed the 'real' issue. So I suggest that you step back from the contract bidding process or tender negotiation and ask yourself a few negotiation questions.
Hosting Negotiations – Serving Food at a Meeting
Hosting Negotiations – Serving Food at a Meeting
Yes, usually serving food is a good idea. This is a question that seems to be addressed only in the best sales training workshops. Generally speaking, the more informal and less people present, the more collaborative your meeting will be. Eating
Power Imbalance in Negotiation
Power Imbalance in Negotiation
Whilst integrative negotiation will be generally less effective where there is a significant imbalance in negotiation power between the parties, this does not necessarily mean that the situation cannot be remedied. Accepting the fact
How to Negotiate a Job Title
How to Negotiate a Job Title
Most business professionals focus on the money and benefits, giving too little attention to their job title. Job titles are useful when it comes to your NEXT move, so plan ahead. So well done for casting your net widely in your new job negotiation.
Japanese Negotiation Silence
Japanese Negotiation Silence
You look to be suffering from 2 challenges. Firstly, Japanese Negotiators are famed for putting face saving first - yours and theirs. By contrast western negotiators are more concerned about rapidly progressing the relationship or contract,
Positional Union and Management Negotiators
Positional Union and Management Negotiators
In the U.S. it's illegal for management to not negotiate past its first offer. From what you've described, it sounds like management are being competitive, positional and may not want to negotiate. If you take their 'position' seriously,
Negotiation with Chinese - Business Concessions
Negotiation with Chinese - Business Concessions
Why should he propose concessions? His behaviour looks perfectly professional and clever to me. It has put the foreign team on the defensive. Nice one. It might also be the case that the foreigner has introduced "positional negotiation" far
Employment Contract Negotiation
Employment Contract Negotiation
In considering how to approach negotiating a pre-employment job offer there are a number of areas you can research beforehand. Preparing for a negotiation is vital to getting the best employment agreement. Having more information at your
Westerners Chinese Negotiation Failure
Westerners Chinese Negotiation Failure
Q1: I assume that this means "fail to reach an agreement". There are dozens of possible causes. Here are a few common reasons: Failure to develop friendly, trusting relationships with the Chinese Failure to understand what Chinese negotiators
Positional Negotiation
Positional Negotiation
It is always a difficult task for a negotiator to deal with people who approach negotiation as if it was a competition, with only one possible win-lose outcome. However, difficult does not mean impossible. As in any negotiation process, one
Effective Negotiation Techniques
Effective Negotiation Techniques
Your answer should be in line with the goals that management should aim for in developing any company-wide strategy or vision. Every negotiator should take responsibility in developing his or her own tool-kit of effective negotiation skills
Chinese Team Negotiation
Chinese Team Negotiation
Cross-cultural negotiation requires very detailed preparation on cultural differences. The history of business negotiation shows that many negotiations in China failed not because of lack of common ground but rather because of ignorance
Win Win Negotiation Example
Win Win Negotiation Example
In every negotiation, no matter if you're buying, selling, solving conflicts or negotiating your salary, there is always something laying beneath your negotiation, something that motivates people to dedicate the time to meet and negotiate