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Updated: 14 Oct 2024

Advanced Negotiation Training

About this Course

Our advanced negotiation skills training course was created to equip negotiators who face deals which are more complex, team-based, large, strategically important, or international. You'll receive gloves-off feedback from Negotiation Experts, as you navigate your way through true to life deals. You'll learn to master the tools and rational dimensions, while leveraging your interpersonal soft-skills.

The bigger and more complex your deals become, the more comprehensively you need to be equipped to come out on top. Our negotiation best practice includes tool-sets, processes, value maximising strategies, team roles, tactics, persuasion and influencing skills. Miss any one dimension, and you risk leaving value on the table - value we will be measuring on this training.

The results enjoyed by graduates of our Advanced Negotiation Training speak for themselves. Our graduates include veteran commercial teams from some of the world's largest multi-nationals, who are to this day using their skills to close large deals in less time at higher margins.

We keep theory to a minimum, so you'll be engaged throughout with challenging real-life negotiation simulations, receiving personalized feedback. You'll get to use our innovative tools, and gain personalised feedback from a seasoned global Negotiation Expert. Timely reinforcement post-graduation ensures lessons stick. Negotiators complete an assessment several months post-graduation, plus negotiate again with each other using our popular online negotiation simulation.


Training Course Overview

For our in-house training, we work shoulder to shoulder with clients to truly customize solutions. Advanced Negotiation Skills Training Course delivery typically takes place in clients' offices. Tailoring typically includes customisation of case studies, choosing modules and the depth of coverage, role-play choices from our library and profiles. Want to know more? Check out our in-house training customizer. You'll navigate your way through various realistic seller-buyer commercial role-play exercises, some delivered using our cutting-edge negotiation simulation.


Key Seminar Outcomes

  • Gaining a better understanding of your counterpart's wants and needs to build more value.
  • Shorter deal cycles to reach agreement faster.
  • Winning more 'yes' responses to your proposals from learning persuading and influencing techniques, no costly concessions required.
  • Maximising your negotiation power leverage.
  • Increasing your margins by claiming more of the value you've created.
  • Notice others' manipulative tactics before they gouge value, and neutralise in ways that maintain your relationships.
  • Mastering our structured negotiation framework with supporting interlocking tool-sets to navigate the most complex of deals.
  • Creating more collaborative relationships, while also excelling in the competitive part of the negotiation.
  • Achieving more and bigger discounts and price increases.
  • Enlarge and expand the value before claiming the lions share using our Trading Plan template and other tools from our Value Creation Framework.
  • Get personalised detailed feedback coaching from a Negotiation Expert, including on the big split-screen. Giving your team insightful feedback.
  • Identify your body language leaks, learn how better to read your counterparts patterns and micro-signals, including when they're bluffing.
  • Learning from your individual and team Negotiation Diagnostic and Negotiation Styles profile reports to identify your biggest areas of growth opportunity.
  • Confidently reframe your way past difficult objections.
  • Modifying your approach after learning how to better profile your counterpart conversationally, and enjoy more negotiation success in less time.
  • Safeguarding your team against bleeding profit through many small compromises.
  • Deepening your level of rapport and trust, including cross-culturally.
  • Controlling meetings by using your agenda and many other techniques.
  • Review all negotiations to witness your rapid improvements.
  • Choosing and coordinating your team's roles as you prepare and negotiate. Aligning your negotiation team, despite differing KPI's.
  • Gather the knowledge necessary to keep control by asking better questions in the optimal sequence.
  • Rather than feeling stressed, feel confident in your superior preparation.

Seminar Agenda

  • Introduction & Objectives
  • Price Negotiation Role Play
  • Core Concepts Debrief
  • Negotiation Styles Role Play
  • Negotiation Styles Profile Reports
  • Competition vs. Collaboration
  • Whole Brain Thinking Profiles
  • Questioning
  • Role Play Exercise & Debrief
  • Daily Recap
  • SWOT, Trading Plan & Agenda Control
  • Role Play - Point Scored Sim
  • Re-framing Buyer Objections & Exercise
  • Manipulative Tactics & Role Play
  • Complex Team Based Role Play
  • Feedback: Split Screen Video or Sim Graphs
  • Daily Recap
  • Framing & Controlling Meetings
  • Role Play & Debrief
  • Value Creation Framework
  • Stories that Sell
  • Complex Team Based Role Play
  • Feedback: Split Screen Video or Sim Graphs
  • Rapport incl across Cultures
  • Persuasion: Compliance
  • Sensory Persuasion
  • Climate
  • Role Play & Debrief
  • Complex Team Based Role Play
  • Feedback: Split Screen Video or Sim Graphs

Training Course Approach

You'll spend most of your time negotiating your way through challenging role-plays and then reviewing your negotiations. Why do we have such a strong bias towards the practical, sharing only a minimum of theory? Over the years we've noticed that behaviour is far more likely to change from learners 'doing'. Trust and mastery of our tool-sets grow out of getting great results in action.

Some modules are introduced with a role-play and unpacked in the feedback which follows, while more complex modules are briefed first followed by a role play. Feedback is provided via a number of methods: video analysis, point-scoring, and group discussions. The analysis will mainly depend on which module is being taught, each module building one-upon-another. Feedback can be right-brained such as persuasion techniques or left-brained such as tool-sets. Our delivery style is highly interactive and entertaining, keeping energy levels high.

Negotiation role plays build steadily in complexity, from single negotiators to team-based negotiations. Our Advanced Negotiation Skills Training Course is characterised by in-depth discussions amongst an experienced group of negotiators.


Who's This Seminar For?

Advanced Negotiation Course graduates typically possess at least a few years of negotiation experience, with many having previously taken negotiation training seminars. Our focus is commercially proven best practice, including profiling and detailed multi-dimensional in-depth personalised feedback, incorporating two-camera video feedback from a global negotiation expert. If you need practical proven approaches rather than academic discussions, get in touch.


Seminar Delivery Options

    Popularly custom delivered in-house, facilitated by a Negotiation Training Expert.    

Join your executive peers in achieving outstanding results for your business, and earn greater recognition soon after graduating. CALL US or choose your PUBLIC or IN-HOUSE TRAINING now.


Join your executive peers in achieving outstanding results for your business, and earn greater recognition soon after graduating. CALL US or choose your PUBLIC or IN-HOUSE TRAINING now.


Open Enrolment Course

Start enjoying next level sales results after graduating from this award winning course. You'll be sharpening your sword against experienced procurement and sales professionals from around the world. You'll be negotiating your way through challenging true to life sims using our world first sim games. A global Negotiation Expert will be on hand to share unrivalled in depth feedback. We will quickly uncover your strengths and learning opportunities and give you powerful pointers to improve faster than ever before. This course is most often described by graduates as fun, intense and a game changer for their sales careers.

Date & Time
This course is not available in Americas time zone. See our calendar for other courses.
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This course is not available in EMEA time zone. See our calendar for other courses.
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This course is not available in APAC time zone. See our calendar for other courses.
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32 hours
lang English
32 hours
lang English
32 hours
lang English
Training Locations
Americas Americas
Asia-Pacific Asia-Pacific